Marijuana supporters press ahead for legalization

Illinois News Network
Ataraxia in southeastern Albion is reportedly the first licensed medical cultivation center in Illinois to begin growing plants. (

llinois became the third largest state to decriminalize minor marijuana possession offenses.

With the recent signing of legislation reducing penalties for the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana in Illinois, supporters hope state legislators soon will consider approving the drug for recreational use, too.

Now, anyone stopped for possessing fewer than 10 grams of marijuana will receive a civil fine of no more than $200, will not be arrested, and the incident will not go on his or her criminal record. The legislation also decriminalizes offenses related to the possession of marijuana paraphernalia.

Illinois became the third largest state to decriminalize minor marijuana possession offenses.

Illinois already allows the use of medical marijuana. Patients must possess a valid registry identification card to avoid arrest, prosecution or penalty. Children younger than 18 also have access to edible forms of cannabis with permission from a parent or guardian, a prescription from a primary care physician and a recommendation from another physician.

Recreational-use supporters are hoping to see new laws permitting the growing and consumption of cannabis in their state as well. State Rep. Ken Dunkin (D-Chicago) filed House Bill 4276, which would allow adults age 21 and older to legally grow and consume cannabis. The bill also would provide for licensed retailers, commercial growers and the private non-commercial production of cannabis.

One activist sees hope around the corner.

“I think a conversation will start happening next spring in the Illinois legislation,” said Dan Linn, executive director of the Illinois chapter of the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML). “They are looking at the potential tax revenue that could be brought in, the amount of jobs created and the amount of investment dollars spent in Illinois.”



— Marijuana supporters press ahead for legalization —