Someone could be watching your emails

By Paul Sassone

Paul Sassone

Paul Sassone

They are watching.
They are always watching.
Who are they?
They are the ones you don’t want to watch you.
You’d think we would have learned this long ago. And you’d think that our leaders, the ones who are supposed to be smarter than we are would have learned it first. But, they haven’t.
Of course, I’m taking about emails.
Emails are private, right? Tell me another.
If history has taught us anything, if anything is certain, it’s that anybody can be hacked. There is no such thing as privacy anymore.
So-called leaders have shown they haven’t a clue about this truth.
Just the other day an email was released in which then businessman, now Illinois governor, Bruce Rauner wrote of Chicago public schools that “50 percent of principals are managerially incompetent and half of the teachers are virtually illiterate …”
He apologized.
Also, recently, Democratic National Committee emails were hacked and released by WikiLeaks showing the committee was biased in favor of Hillary Clinton’s candidacy  and was looking for ways to make Bernie Sanders look bad. Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz apologized, then resigned.
And do I need to mention the tempest over Hillary Clinton’s emails when she was secretary of state? How she used an unauthorized server for work-related emails?
Are their egos stronger than their sense of caution? Others can be hacked, but not me. I’m too important.
But, hacking should be made an Olympic sport it is so popular, so prevalent.
Hackers come in all shapes and sizes: the brainy lone wolves, kid
savants, scammers and governments. There has been a charge that the original hacker for the Democratic National Committee emails was the Russian government. The theory is the Russian hoped the email leaks would damage Clinton and help Donald Trump, who seems to have a crush on Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Oh, and by the way, it’s not just the high and the mighty who are endangered by hackers.
They are after you, too.
They want your name.
They want your money.
They want your indiscretions.
Who are they?
As I said, they are the ones you don’t want to watch you.
I could advise you not to put in writing anything that might help a hacker and hurt you.
But, we have made computers omnipresent, so we have to put a lot of potentially damaging information online.
It’s a pickle, I tell you.

–Someone could be watching your emails–