The Life of Riley: Tweak

by Jerry Riley


America has, arguably, the best political system in the world, but, it could be better. Let’s tweak it. Yes, I know, probably not going to happen, so I’ll start: the only people who should be allowed to vote will be legal American citizens holding a valid photo voters identification card.

I want to move the election dates. Let’s move the Primary, or party election, to the first Saturday in May. My first choice was April 1, but I was afraid the irony would be too much! This will elevate at least two concerns. Most people do not work on the weekend so it should be easier to get to the polls. Since people are not working, this might also increase the number of people who would take time to be an election judge. Maybe more important, it  would generally allow the election to be on a nicer day than during the winter, allowing more people to vote.

At the same time we move the Primary, maybe we could move the General election from cold, often snowy November to the last Saturday in September. Mostly for the same reasons but also shortening the campaign season. I know, radio and TV might lose some campaign revenue. The Post Office might lose some bulk mail, but I think the people would benefit from a shorter campaign.

I’d like to make random drug testing for the candidates (at their expense) part of the equation, but that has as much chance as limiting voting to American citizens – what a revoltin’ development this is!


Jerry Riley comments for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor.

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