The Life of Riley: Pay Me!

By Jerry Riley


With the drought farmers are losing money or going bankrupt and the government is giving them money.

In past years, due to economic problems, other small business has had to cut back, but there was no money given to them. The BIG businesses, like car manufacturers and some banks caused their own financial problems and the government gave them gobs of our tax money. Insurance and medical operations will not see the problem, because the government is planning to be proactive, making us give them or money, or, fining us for not doing so; yeah, what a revoltin’ development this is! Now we get to welfare, Welfare was a government program imitated as a stop gap measure to allow people to survive while looking for employment. That seems to have changed. Welfare looks like a lifestyle. Well, why work for a living as long as someone else will –and pay you also?

There have been numerous examples of people paying cash for cigarettes or beer, and then using food stamps for their food. If they have money for wants, why use food stamps for needs? Because they can.

Many employees, both pubic and private, are required to take drug tests before they are hired. Random tests may also be required to remain employed and often more drug tests are administered after an accident at work. We test people who are paid using tax money, but, what tests are needed to receive tax money (welfare, food stamps, etc.)?


Jerry Riley is an occasional commentator for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor.