Illinois Democrats praise Biden for historic decision; GOP heaps scorn

By Bill Dwyer For Chronicle Media

President Joe Biden

Elected office holders from around Illinois in both major political parties responded quickly Sunday to President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination for president next month in Chicago. 

His announcement was quickly followed by his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Democrats, even those who had called for Biden to step down, were united in their praise for his accomplishments as president, and admiration for his patriotism and unselfish character. 

Republicans took the opportunity to criticize both Biden and Harris specifically, and Democrats generally.  

Gov. J.B. Pritzker said Biden “led us through a recovery from a devastating pandemic and shepherded our economy away from a recession to prosperity. He worked across the aisle to pass some of the most consequential legislation in decades to rebuild our roads and bridges while investing in the infrastructure and jobs of the 21st century.” 

He also warned of the threat posed by Republican nominee Donald Trump.  

“As we extend our gratitude to President Biden and reflect on his many accomplishments, we must not ignore the threat posed by Donald Trump’s potential return to the White House,” Pritzker said. 

“Throughout his public career, Joe Biden always put country first,” U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin said. “His four years as president made it clear that he was determined to put our country back on track and restore the soul of our nation.” 

Like Pritzker, Durbin did not mention Harris, saying, “Now the Democratic Party must unite behind a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump and keep America moving in the right direction.” 

U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth praised Biden’s “unparalleled record of accomplishments,” that included “shepherding the Affordable Care Act into law as vice president and from helping guide our nation out of a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic to overseeing historic wage and job growth during his presidency.” 

Again, without mentioning Harris, Duckworth said Biden’s “difficult decision ensures that Democrats can focus on the goal that unites each and every one of us: defeating Donald Trump and preventing another four years of his destructive chaos and corruption.”

Congresswoman Lauren Underwood minced no words, spotlighting her endorsement of Harris in her statement headline, saying she “wholeheartedly” endorsed Harris.

“She is an experienced and capable leader who will unite the American people and lead our nation toward a brighter future” Underwood said.

Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski, who is running for re-election in the 13th District, called Biden “the most productive and consequential president of my lifetime.” She also gave an implied nod to Harris.  

“His leadership has allowed us to deliver historic investments to communities in Central and Southern Illinois that will benefit working people for generations to come,” she said. “I thank him for his lifetime of public service and for putting our country first as he passes the baton to Vice President Harris.”  

Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch of west suburban Hillside praised Biden for placing country over self. 

“President Biden has put our country first time and time again. His commitment to moving forward even amidst adversity and personal loss embodies who we are as Americans. Today, he has put our country first again,” Welch said. 

Two of the five Illinois Democratic Congressmen who’d called for Biden to withdraw, praised him Sunday. Congressman Eric Sorensen thanked Biden “for his lifetime of incredible public service to our country,” saying he “has championed organized labor, civil rights, technology and innovation.”

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, praised Biden’s accomplishments and patriotism. Garcia called Biden “one of the most consequential presidents of our time… His efforts will be remembered by a grateful nation.”  

U.S. Congressman Sean Casten also praised Biden’s accomplishments.

“President Joe Biden is among the most effective presidents in American history. Over the last four years, Congress has worked hand-in-hand with President Biden to pass the largest investment in climate action ever,” Casten said. “Together, we passed a robust infrastructure bill to fix roads and bridges across Illinois.

“We passed the first gun violence prevention bill in decades. We expanded health coverage for veterans, with more than 1 million of them using the PACT Act to gain access to the care they need. We returned the United States to the pinnacle of global manufacturing through the CHIPS and Science Act.

“More than anything else, President Biden restored the dignity of the Oval Office and reinforced American leadership abroad. We owe him our thanks and gratitude for his five decades of public service.

“The coming election is a referendum on the future of American democracy. The stakes of this election could not be higher. Donald Trump remains a twice-impeached convicted felon who has promised to be a dictator on day one. Vice President Kamala Harris will beat him this November, and I’m proud to endorse her for president of the United States.”

Illinois Republicans had nothing good to say about Biden or Harris. U.S. Rep. Mary Miller, whose district covers central and southern Illinois, said Harris “led the coverup of Joe Biden’s severe cognitive decline.” 

U.S. Rep. Mike Bost said that after dismissing concerns about Biden “at every turn, Biden’s allies have now forced him out of the campaign in hopes of salvaging races up and down the ballot.” 

Newly elected Illinois GOP Chairman Kathy Salvi said Biden’s announcement “is the culmination of years of lies from the Biden White House and Democrats shaming anyone who questioned the fitness of President Biden.” 

She opined that the Democratic Party is “divided (and) torn apart by their own duplicity” in what she characterized as their attempts to hide Biden’s “inability to fulfill his role” as president.