Pfister on Pfister Sept. 13 at South Park in El Paso

EL PASO – David Pfister, descendant of Lester Pfister who revolutionized corn growing, will discuss his family history and the development of Pfister hybrid corn at the September 13th meeting of the Woodford County Historical Society. The meeting will be held at 7:00 PM at South Park in El Paso. The meeting is free and open to the public.

In the early 1920s Lester began to experiment with corn, trying to develop a better ear. He suffered through many failures until he got the right combination, and in a few years was grossing over $1 million a year. David, proud of his family and El Paso, will relate his experiences with the family business.
The Woodford County Historical Society has set itself the task of preserving the past for the future. Monthly meetings related to the history of the county are held in various places on the second Thursday of each month from March through December. The October meeting will feature the Central Illinois Civil War Dance Society at Maple Lawn Homes’ Memorial Hall on October 11.
For more information call Karen Fyke at 467-4525 or Barbara Bradle at 467-3106 or drop by the Society’s mini-museum and research room at 112 N. Main in Eureka on Wednesday or Friday afternoons from 1-4 PM.