It’s up to us to do research on candidates before we vote

By Paul Sassone

Paul Sassone

For voters this is the best of times and the worst of times.

Best because there is an election coming in a few weeks.

Worst because between now and the primary we voters have to endure the glut of political commercials and ads.

These political ads are by definition propaganda presenting the paid-for candidate as the new Abraham Lincoln.

Truth is not the goal of these ads. They exist to persuade. And, as such, their content can range from exaggeration to mean-spirited personal attacks of opponents.

Fairness has nothing to do with political advertising.

If anything, political advertising is about money — which candidates have the most to spend on advertising.

‘If anything, political advertising is about money’

The ads get the candidates’ name before the public. And since familiarity breeds votes, that is often enough to decide the race.

This is not how democracy should work.

Election should not depend on how many commercials a candidate can afford.

This is where we — the voters — need to step in and assert our critical faculties instead of being passive receptacles for the half-truths and whole falsehoods of political advertising.

It is our job as voters to do some homework to determine important issues and where candidates stand on those issues.

We can, and should, become informed voters.




That’s how it should work.

And that is up to us, to you and me.


–It’s up to us to do research on candidates before we vote–