Legislation aimed at increased safety on state highways , tollways

Chronicle Media
State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit

State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit

During a ride-along with the state police last year, state Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, realized how unsafe it was to be stopped on the shoulder of an expressway. This is why, in an effort to prevent traffic deaths, Kifowit is sponsoring legislation that would require highway drivers to change lanes or reduce their speed when passing a vehicle stalled on the side of the road.

“As a public servant, it is important for me to advocate for the quality of life and safety of not only my constituents, but all Illinoisans,” Kifowit said.

She introduced House Bill 6006 as a way to help prevent future fatalities along Illinois’ highways.

“Many have lost their lives on the side of the highway or tollway, and one thing we can do to prevent future fatalities is ensure that these drivers are not in danger of being hit. We already have laws like this for emergency personnel, so it makes sense to extend the same safety consideration to all highway drivers who are put at risk by being on the side of the road next to high-speed vehicles,” Kifowit said.

Illinois saw 924 motor vehicle related fatalities in 2014, putting the state in the top 20 percent for that year, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Currently, when drivers on Illinois roads see emergency vehicles, they are expected to change lanes and reduce speed as a safety precaution. Drivers can be penalized for failing to take these preventative steps.

Kifowit is working to pass House Bill 6006 to require drivers to take the same steps when they approach any type of disabled vehicle.

The punishment for not observing this law would be a $100 fine. Kifowit hopes that by moving drivers away from vehicles stalled on the side of the road, Illinois can avoid future vehicle-related deaths.

“When vehicles are stalled or stopped on the highway, drivers and passengers shouldn’t be in fear for their lives,” Kifowit said. “We can change state law and help raise awareness of identifying non-working cars and increase basic safety measures on dangerous highways that are life-saving.”

For more information on this issue, visit www.ILDistrict84.com or contact Kifowit’s constituent service office at (630) 585-1308 or Stephanie.Kifowit@att.net.



— Legislation aimed at increased safety on state highways , tollways —