The Life of Riley – Government UNDERsight

Facebook seems to be the technological equivalent of London’s Hyde Park. Recently there was a drawing of a spaceship, with the Earth in the background. One alien was telling the other, “As far as I can tell, they’re fighting over which religion is the most peaceful.” And this got me to thinking. I know, what a revolting development this is.

How often do people, both private citizens and government employees, fixate on something that shouldn’t be a concern of the government and lose sight of the things they should be doing? Worse yet, when the media directs the taxpayer’s attention to what they want us to know about, while simply not reporting on things they don’t want us to be aware of.

This selective reporting is not limited to major media. A reporter who doesn’t like something, doesn’t report it. The internet and social media sometimes allow individuals to get some of this information online. Unfortunately much of the social media is being influenced by major media. “Influenced” is a nicer word than controlled.

I received a letter and a post card, on different days of the same week, from the IRS about getting my refund (which I usually don’t get) electronically. I know, it seems like a small thing, but think, if every taxpayer gets two pieces of mail – the manpower we paid in order for them to mail them. It must be two departments, who don’t seem to communicate, one to send cards, one to send letters, using the same mailing list.

Several years ago the U.S. Congress got involved in steroid scandal in major league sports. Was it necessary for our highest elected employees to get involved, or was it slight of hand, so our employees could at least look busy, without doing what we elect them to do?

Jerry Riley comments for the Chronicle. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor. © 2015 All Rights Reserved