The Life of Riley – I’m Pretty Awesome

by Jerry Riley


I’ve thought this for a while, but my recent self-imposed quarantine (because of the flu) bolstered the idea. Besides, it really only matters what I think of myself. For years I identified myself with my job, then I realized it was important to just be me and if people don’t like it, so be it. Took me a long time, and some life changing events before I learned this.

Maybe that’s the key to happiness: like yourself. Don’t let bullying or peer pressure force you to change. If you do, I’ll bet your peers still won’t like you, but worse, you won’t either.

Back to my isolation from personal contact with people. Now, before anyone misunderstands, with the internet and TV, I had contact with people, just not in person. I was able to keep up with local happenings through Facebook and emails.

About the time I felt healthy enough to go out in public, we got snow and frigid temperatures so unless I had a reason to go out, I stayed inside. I found I was pretty good company.

It led me to think. I know, what a revoltin’ development this is. People seem to need people all the time, and maybe they are just not comfortable being alone. I’m comfortable by myself, but TV and the internet do help. I guess during a prolonged power failure, I’ll find out.

Although the flu is not a good thing, it reminded me that I was comfortable with myself and didn’t need to walk the streets, or confront traffic. Interacting with people is good but, sometimes,the seclusion is a good thing too.

Jerry Riley comments for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor. © 2014 All Rights Reserved