Free Seeds at Eureka Public Library

Chronicle Media

Ann Reeves, Eureka Public Library District Director, has announced the opening of the library’s brand new Seed Library. The mission of the Seed Library is to give free seeds to area residents in order to promote home gardens, seed saving, and seed sharing. The library supports local sustainability efforts that encourage growing and eating wholesome, fresh, affordable food.

The library’s seed collection is starting off with mostly commercially packaged seeds – there are over 80 varieties of vegetables, as well as some flowers and herbs to choose from. Some of the vegetable seeds are organically grown.

“We hope to slowly build up a collection of locally produced organic and heirloom seeds through seed-saving donations,” commented Reeves. Although the seeds are free, the goal is for people picking up seeds to harvest and donate a small portion of their seeds in the fall or donate commercially packaged seeds to keep the seed library collection growing and self-sustaining. There is a member record form to fill out when seeds are picked up, along with directions on how to save seeds. The Seed Library is being offered in conjunction with the University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners. For more information, call 309-467-2922.