The Life of Riley: Right to Bear Arms

by Jerry Riley

I’ve been looking at this from a lot of angles. I wonder when the rocks in my yard will be controlled. I understand rocks were the first deadly weapon. I do have to admit, I’m never seen one jump up and try to hit me.

I discovered that rocks, like guns, don’t kill people and pencils don’t make mistakes. A pencil can be used to write the national anthem or a bank robbery note. A gun can be used to help enforce the law, or to kill an innocent person. There is an old saying that it is “a poor workman who blames his tools” – but isn’t that what some people want to do with guns?

I feel better knowing that a lot of law abiding people I know have guns and know how to use them safely. If we restrict citizens from being able to own guns, will the criminals also disarm? Or will they be the only citizens with guns?

I’m not sure how many people own guns in this country, but I am reasonably sure that not all gun owners are killers. I’d bet there are more automobile related deaths that gun related deaths. Has anyone talked about how to better control cars? Are the automobile related deaths due to the car, or the driver? So if we agree that the driver of the car caused the automobile related death, why are some people so quick to blame guns, instead of people, for gun related deaths?

Just think, if terrorists knew that no one is armed, they are free to terrorize – and what a revoltin’ development this is!


Jerry Riley comments for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor.