Does Rauner understand middle class?

By Paul Sassone

Paul Sassone

I try not to pay much attention to political television commercials.

I don’t know how to say this kindly, but political commercials are lies that distort the candidate’s positions as well as his or her opponent’s.

But, Gov. Bruce Rauner’s TV spots make me smile every time I see them — which seems to be a half-dozen times a day.

Rauner is one of the richest persons in the United States, so wealthy he donated $50 million to his own campaign war chest.

Yet, there he is on TV swearing to us he is the cadidate for the middle class.

I wonder how much he knows about the middle class?

Has he spent any time with middle class Illinoisans?

Imagine, if you will, Gov. and Mrs. Rauner being limousined home after a fact-finding expedition of having dinner at a middle class family’s home.

Gov. Rauner — Well, that was an interesting and pleasant evening.

But, what was that they served for the entree?

Mrs. Rauner — I believe that is called a loaf of meat.

Gov. Rauner — Oh, I see. But, why grind up the meat and serve it in a pile? Why not just give everyone his own filet mignon?

Mrs. Rauner — I wondered that, also. I was going to ask their chef but he never made an appearance.

Gov. Rauner — I am, though, going to have to do some research on middle class beverages. When he asked me if I wanted a beer he seemed somewhat flustered when I requested it on the rocks.

Mrs. Rauner — Yes just stick with something basic, like a Rob Roy.

I don’t imagine that in real life, the governor has much meaningful contact with middle class people.

It takes more than saying so in a commercial — even when wearing a plaid shirt — to be a champion for the middle class.

So far, there seems to be little in the governor’s tenure to warrant that title.

Does Rauner understand middle class?–