Congress needs visit from 3 ghosts

By Paul Sassone

Paul Sassone

Perhaps we load onto Ebenezer Scrooge more than those stooped shoulders of his can bear.

At the end of “A Christmas Carol” we are supposed to — and do — rejoice at Scrooge’s redemption. Thanks to the new Scrooge the Cratchits will live in health and comfort. And Scrooge’s donation to the poor will alleviate suffering.

But, as one of the gentlemen said when originally asking Scrooge for a donation, “At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge, it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for

the poor and destitute who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.”

At the conclusion of “A Christmas Carol” these hundreds of thousands still need common comforts. There is not as much cause for rejoicing as we imagined.

I never before read “A Christmas Carol” this way. But, this year I gleaned as much sorrow as joy from the story.

The reason, I think, is that Congress is poised to pass a poisonous tax plan that will cause suffering for millions, not just hundreds of thousands,

The plan would give huge, permanent tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and almost halve taxes on corporations.

Low- and middle-income taxpayers could expect at best a tiny, temporary tax cut. Many of these taxpayers would actually see their taxes increase. And they would lose important deductions for medical expenses, local taxes and student loans.

This malignant give-away to the rich also would add billions to the national debt and probably result in reduced Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

So far, though, three spirits have not appeared to redeem Republican Congress members, who are promulgating this horrible tax plan.

There still is time for good sense and humanity to prevail.

Christmas, after all, is a season of miracles.


–Congress needs visit from 3 ghosts–