The Life of Riley: Life on the Internet

by Jerry Riley


The other day I was watching a movie on TV. Well, it was too cold to spend much time walking. They used a word that made me curious, so I decided to do an internet search I was surprised at how many places had the definition, but I was amazed that some of the definitions for the same word, with the same spelling where almost exactly opposite. I guess it just goes to show you that on the internet, as in life, if you keep looking, you can find facts (Life Of Riley/The Fact Is, Printed April 11, 2012) that will support your views.

Just think about it. Life is whatever you make of it. Same is true of the internet. Lots of people telecommute – they work from their computer. Ordering your fast food at the window? You might be speaking to a call center miles from the restaurant.

The internet has changed our lives in many ways. Kids learn keyboarding skills instead of writing. Maybe someone will invent a keyboard that will work during a power failure. The computer does their math. I rely on a calculator, but I don’t have to depend on it (well, I do if I have to be right). In order to learn to use the computer and the internet, people need some intelligence. On the other hand, two of the 3 R’s, writing and ‘rithmetic have been subjugated to the computer. Reading has sure changed, but it’s holding on.

Someone recently told me they changed their email address and can receive their messages on their smart phone. Before I could comment he said his phone was smarter than he was. Yep, what a revoltin’ development this is!

Maybe that’s why I don’t have one.


Jerry Riley comments for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor.

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