It’s the Small Things that Get You Down!

Jerry Riley

Things about the size of a germ. The Friday before Christmas I contracted a germ; a viral “bug.” Well, I prefer to think it took an army of germs to make me feel as bad as I did (which, by the way, would have sent a lesser person to the hospital).

Through Christmas I never left my house. My intake of Mountain Dew may have increased. You know – “push fluids.” My taste buds must have been off because the Dew wasn’t as good; nothing tasted good. This time though, my poor taste was not a result of my kitchen techniques.

I was sleeping a lot during the day, which made it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. One night I took some over-the-counter nighttime medication and WOW! I slept well but I dreamt I was in Eureka back in the 1950’s and then I took a tour of the moon. I woke up, and it took me several minutes to figure out where I was. I cut the dose in half the next time and slept peacefully through the night.

I sprayed disinfectant throughout the house and opened windows for fresh air. Next, I wiped down my keyboard, mouse, phones, remotes, and most everything else I touched.

As I started feeling better, I found things to keep busy. I worked on some column ideas. I watched television and sorted through some pictures.

I had several phone calls from people asking if I was still alive. My reply was, “Just barely.” There were a couple days that I really didn’t feel better and, yes, what a revoltin’ development this is.

After ten days I took a fifteen minute walk outside and really tired myself out. I’m gradually increasing my walk time. I’m also washing my hands every time I enter the house and I’ve started carrying hand sanitizer.

Overall, I found myself to be really good company – might be the start of another column.


Jerry Riley comments for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor.              

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