Recap of Illinois Representatives’ Congressional Votes Week of Sept. 17

United States Senate

Senate total votes

Programs To Combat Opioids Scourge

Voting 99 for and one against, the Senate on Sept. 17 approved a package of 70 bills (HR 6) that would authorize $500 million over three years for state and local programs to fight the nation’s growing addiction to illicit drugs including opioids. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, cast the dissenting vote. In part, the bill would increase the number of recovery facilities for drug addicts; expand government and private research into non-addictive pain therapies; expand telemedicine care in rural areas; allow Medicaid reimbursement for treating infants born with addictions and set uniform hospital standards for spotting opiate addiction. A yes vote was to send the bill to a House-Senate conference committee.

Voting yes: Tammy Duckworth, Richard Durbin

Voting no: None

Not voting: None

Senate total votes

Ban On Pharmacy Gag Clauses

Voting 98 for and two against, the Senate on Sept. 17 passed a bill (S 2554) that would allow pharmacists to tell customers when it is cheaper to buy drugs without insurance because the cash price is less than the co-pay charge. The bill prohibits “gag clauses” in contracts between pharmacies and health insurers that bar such disclosures to consumers. A yes vote was to send the bill to the House.

Voting yes: Tammy Duckworth, Richard Durbin

Voting no: None

Not voting: None

Senate total votes

States’ Rights On Gag Clauses

Voting 11 for and 89 against, the Senate on Sept. 17 refused to scale back S 2554 (above) so that it would exempt individual and group health plans administered by states under state law. Backers of the amendment said that under federalism, federal regulation of purely state entities is unconstitutional. But opponents said there is a broad overlap of federal and state interests in the area of drug prices. At least 26 states have passed laws banning pharmacy gag clauses. A yes vote was to adopt the amendment.

Voting yes: None

Voting no: Tammy Duckworth, Richard Durbin

Not voting: None

Senate total votes

$854 Billion Spending Bill For 2019

Voting 93 for and seven against, the Senate on Sept. 18 agreed to the conference report on an $854 billion appropriations bill (HR 6157) that would provide $675 billion for the Department of Defense, $90.1 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services, $71.4 billion for the Department of Education, $12.1 billion for the Department of Labor and nearly $6 billion for other agencies and programs in fiscal 2019. A yes vote was to agree to the conference report.

Voting yes: Tammy Duckworth, Richard Durbin

Voting no: None

Not voting: None


–Recap of Illinois Representatives’ Congressional Votes Week of Sept. 17–