The role the native Mason bees plays and how to support them

Extension Master Naturalist Marcy Doyle was one of 50 participants who attended the recent Mason Bee program taught by University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator Nicole Flowers-Kimmerle, held at Mason State Tree Nursery. Mason Bees are a native bee that emerge in early spring and are excellent pollinators. Building a bee house is an easy way to support Mason Bees. (Photo courtesy of U of I Extension Services)

The signs of spring are popping up all around us. Flowers are emerging. The grass is growing. Birds are singing. Soon we will also be seeing the Mason bees emerging from their winter hibernation.

Mason Bees are hard workers in the world of pollinating our flowers and crops. They are just one of many pollinators University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit staff and volunteers work to support through their educational programs and projects.

Nicole Flowers-Kimmerle, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator, recently held an informative presentation for 50 participants, on native Mason Bees at the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Mason State Tree Nursery near Topeka, Illinois.

“This is just one of several Mason Bee programs I’ve given this year,” mentioned Flowers-Kimmerle. “Mason Bees are an important native bee and people of all ages have enjoyed learning about them and how to build a bee house.”

The Orchard Mason bee is a solitary, native bee from this area. They emerge in early spring and pollinate, fruit trees, flowers, and vegetables. Due to its metallic blue-black coloring, the Mason bee looks more like a fly.

They do not make honey and they do not live in hives, but nest in hollow stems, and insect holes. Mason Bees are busy only six to eight weeks in the spring.

Females collect pollen and nectar, then lay an egg inside a hollow tube-like structure, covers the egg with mud, and continues to repeat that process up the length of the tube. She lays up to 25 eggs during her lifetime.

“Mason Bees are considered excellent pollinators because the pollen is loose and dry on their hairy belly,” Flowers-Kimmerle taught. “They stay within about 300-foot radius, meandering in a nearby circuit, which make them excellent cross pollinators, compared to the honey bee which is a long-distance pollinator that focuses on one source at a time.”

Flowers-Kimmerle, explained how stress from chemicals and loss of habitat have put pressure on native bee populations. “There are a variety of ways we can help support the native bee population,” Flowers-Kimmerle taught. “For the Mason Bees we can make bee houses and easily provide them with the natural elements needed to survive: water, clay mud, and blooming flowers and trees.”

In addition to the Mason bee lesson and bee house building project, participants also heard about the Project Wingspan program from local Pollinator Partnership staff member Holly Fainer. Mason Tree Nursery plays a key role in this nine-state project.

Pollinator Partnership is working with a coalition of partners and dedicated volunteers to increase the quality, quantity, and connectivity of pollinator habitat across the Midwest and Great Lakes Region to support imperiled native pollinators and the vital habitat they depend on.

Local Extension Master Naturalists and Extension Master Gardeners volunteer at the tree nursery to help support Project Wingspan,

For more information about native pollinators and horticulture, visit the University of Illinois Extension Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit website at

Homeowners can use everyday materials to make houses for Mason bees for their yards. (Nature Conservancy photo/Courtesy of Extension Services)


How to make a Mason bee house

Waterproof container, brown paper, pencil, tape, natural clay (optional)

  1. Clean, rinse and dry your container. It is best if the container is

long enough to hold paper tubes are 6 to 7 inches long.

  1. Cut paper into pieces that are 2.5 to 3.5 inches wide and about

7 inches long. 9

  1. Use a pencil to tightly roll the paper into a tube that is 8mm in

diameter and 7 inches long.

  1. Use a small piece of tape to prevent the tube from unrolling. Tubes should not be reused to prevent spreading pathogens.
  2. One end of the tube must be closed. You can either fold the paper over and secure with tape or use a natural clay that will dry to close off the tube.
  3. Put the tubes into the container. It is best if they are not all the

same length. The tubes should not extend past the end of the container to protect them from water.

  1. Hang your bee house on a South or Southeast facing wall at eye level for easy viewing. A wire mesh can be added to prevent birds from preying on the bees.

Nicole Flowers-Kimmerle University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit Horticulture Educator