Which Halloween candy is the favorite?

By Evonne Woloshyn Advocate Aurora Health News

And the winner is…Reese’s peanut butter cups! According to CandyStore.com, the nation has weighed in on its favorite Halloween candy. Skittles surpassed M&Ms this year for the number two spot and Hot Tamales and Starburst are not far behind. Poor candy corn. It continues to fall in popularity. If you live in Illinois, Sour Patch Kids is the winner and in Wisconsin, Butterfinger tops the list.

With estimates from the National Retail Foundation that $3.1 billion will be spent on Halloween candy this year across the United States, Dr. Julie Holland, a pediatrician and vice president of pediatric primary care at the Chicagoland Children’s Health Alliance, offers parents some advice.

“Kids will eat candy on Halloween,” says Dr. Holland. “But feeding your child a healthy meal before trick-or-treating helps minimize the candy eating during the outing. I suggest moderation in time spent trick-or-treating and how much candy you bring home. A reasonable plan to decide how and when the candy will be eaten is also always a good idea.”