Elgin looking to replace downtown bridges

Chronicle Media

The Kimball Street Bridge over the Fox River opened in 1917. (City of Elgin photo)

The Kimball Street Bridge has served downtown Elgin for more than a century while the nearby Chicago Street Bridge has handled traffic over the Fox River since 1939.

While still safe, elements of both spans are near the end of useful lives and plans are under way to remove and replace both critical downtown bridges.

The City of Elgin plans a public meeting from 6-8 p.m. today at the Centre of Elgin to offer information on the state of the bridges and seek input on the replacement projects as well as improvements on the adjacent Fox River Trail.

“Over the next several years, the city will conduct engineering and environmental studies for both structures to determine what changes are necessary to meet modern requirements, finalize design plans and then begin construction,” according to a city statement.

The Kimball Street Bridge carries more than 20,000 vehicles a day and is the city’s main bridge for crossing the Fox River downtown. Originally built in 1917, the 11-span structure was reconstructed in 1977.

An Illinois Department of Transportation report deemed the Kimball Bridge functionally obsolete and structurally deficient with its deck and superstructure in serious condition.

The Chicago Street Bridge, located south of the Kimball span, carries an average of more than 4,500

The Chicago Street Bridge was constructed in 1939. (City of Elgin photo)

vehicles a day. Although it is not listed as a historic structure, it does have historical significance within the city’s Central Business District. The bridge, a four-span structure built in 1939, has been rehabilitated several times since it was originally built.

The IDOT investigation cited advanced deterioration and poor condition of the bridge’s deck and superstructure.

A span between the two — the Highland Avenue bridge — is unaffected by the project.  IDOT determined the bridge was in fair to satisfactory condition.

The July 18 meeting will offer information and a chance to comment on Phase 1 preliminary engineering and environmental studies for both bridges and Fox River Trail improvements.

The session will be an open house format where visitors can stop by to view materials, ask questions and offer feedback. A Spanish language interpreter will also be on hand.

More information, exhibits and project details are available online at cityofelginbridgeprojects.org.

Phase 2 would commence at an unspecified date and include design and land acquisition. Construction plans for the preferred alternative would be developed, and necessary right of way — if any — is needed.

Phase 3 would feature actual construction once funding is available.

As future phases may be financed with federal funds. The public information meeting is being held in compliance with federal and Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) public involvement policy.

Comments made during the session or submitted to the city by Aug. 23 will be included in the official public information meeting record.

All written correspondence should be sent to: Jordan Rogalski, Elgin Bridge Projects Outreach Liaison, Metro Strategies Group, 1901 Butterfield Road, Suite 260, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 or email: jrogalski@metrostratgroup.com

To request meeting accommodations contact Rogalski at 630-534-6400 ext. 104.