For the first time in six decades, Aurora did not record a single homicide during the 2012 calendar year.

The last calendar year without a recorded homicide was 1946, according to a city statement released last week.

The milestone was the latest in significant declines in Aurora’s major crime rate over the past decade even as the city’s population grew to 199,672.


Aurora’s population was 48,000 in 1946—the last time no homicides were recorded. The latest population boom has occurred over the last decade as Aurora grew and added 55,000 people to become the state’s second-largest city.

“While we take great pride in this accomplishment,” Aurora Police Chief Greg Thomas said. “(But) we will not be resting on our laurels since we always strive to make Aurora’s streets a safe place for children and their families,” 

The violent crime rate has decreased more than 30 percent from 2006 to 2011 and more than 50 percent in the past decade.  

After 26 homicides were committed in 2002 – many attributed to gang violence – Aurora’s increased safety efforts  brought positive change with those numbers dropping to about two homicides per year between 2008 to 2011.  

Recorded firearm discharges also have decreased from 357 in 1996 to 61 in 2012.

In an effort to combat gang violence, the city established many partnerships with neighborhood groups and community organizations to discuss what could be done to reduce crime.  

As a result, residents are more apt to report suspicious activity to police, which leads to a greater amount of arrests and prosecutions. 

The Police Department also sought assistance from the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol and Firearms and Explosives and other federal agencies to conduct investigations into drug and weapons cases resulting in federal charges that have put more than 130 gang members behind bars, some serving life sentences.

City leaders, community groups and taxpayers supported investing millions of dollars to give Aurora police the advanced tools and technology they needed to fight crime in the 21st century, including a new state-of-the-art police headquarters.

“This accomplishment demonstrates again that Aurora is among the safest large and diverse communities across the nation,” Mayor Tom Weisner said.  “The combination of a world-class police force working with community groups, city leaders and law enforcement agencies has resulted in reducing crime to record-lows.”

Across city government, all employees were challenged to find ways to support the city-wide goal of reducing crime. 

From removing graffiti and fixing broken streetlights within hours, to reporting suspicious activity and broken windows, all city departments are now engaged in keeping crime down.

“We have found that there is no single program that will reduce violence, but instead we need to tackle crime on all fronts,” Thomas said.  “Our police officers and support staff have done a great job executing our community-wide strategy.”


Mayor, chief propose a $500 bonus for cops


Following the news that Aurora did not record a single homicide during the 2012 calendar year, Mayor Tom Weisner, in consultation with Chief Greg Thomas, is proposing the Aurora City Council authorize a $500 bonus for all sworn police personnel.

 “While the entire community deserves credit for this exceptional accomplishment, our police force played the critical role,” said Mayor Weisner. “Year after year, day after day, Aurora police officers have put themselves on the line to snuff out violent crime in our community.  No homicides for 2012 is a symbol of their overall success.”

“It is impossible to determine the value our officers provide to the community,” Chief Thomas said.  “This accomplishment is a reflection of the hard work of our officers, in partnership with other law enforcement agencies, city employees, citizen groups and residents.”

The last calendar year without a recorded homicide was 1946, when Aurora’s population was 48,000 people.  

Aurora’s major crime rate has seen significant declines over the past decade even while the city’s population grew to 199,672 making it Illinois’ second largest city.  Aurora’s population increased by nearly 55,000 people from 2000 to 2010; at the same time, major crime has dropped from 42.1 to 22.1 per 1,000 people.

The violent crime rate has decreased more than 30 percent from 2006 to 2011 and more than 50 percent in the past decade.  After 26 homicides were committed in 2002 – many attributed to gang violence – Aurora’s increased safety efforts have brought positive change with those numbers dropping to about two homicides per year between 2008 to 2011, and zero in 2012.  Recorded firearm discharges also have decreased from 357 in 1996 to 61 in 2012.

With 289 sworn officers, the total cost of the bonuses is expected to be $144,500.  Mayor Weisner plans to forward the proposal to Aurora’s Finance Committee for consideration.

“It is important that we recognize this milestone and the men and women chiefly responsible for it,” said Mayor Weisner.  “Even in this difficult economy, we should make the sacrifices necessary to reward this extraordinary accomplishment.”