Baby Friendly Hospital

Chronicle Media

WINN — 061015 — baby friendly hospital COLORRockford Memorial Hospital completed a nearly three-year journey to earn the designation as a “baby friendly” hospital last month.

The hospital is one of only six in Illinois and one of 267 birthing centers nationwide to be cited by Baby Friendly, USA, a nonprofit accrediting body.

The designation certifies the hospital has implemented 10 steps to help mothers of newborns successfully breastfeed.


These steps include providing education to staff and providers, educating pregnant mothers of the benefits of breastfeeding, starting early skin-to-skin and breastfeeding within one hour of birth, teaching feeding cues and educating on how to initiate and maintain breastfeeding, even if separated. The process changed the way new moms and babies are cared for and allows for providing an optimum level of care and support for infant feeding and mother/baby bonding.

“It’s not just about the designation. It is the right thing to do for families because it is what is best for moms and babies,” said Linette Carter, Director of Women & Children’s Services.

As part of this process, a nurse in the mother’s room now cares for mothers and babies. This allows the mom to learn as much as possible about their new infant before leaving the hospital. Physicians examine the baby in the mother’s room instead of the nursery, so the mother is able to ask questions and providers are able to educate the mother about newborn care.

Mothers are educated and informed about their choices when it comes to feeding. Those that choose to breastfeed are provided education, opportunity and support from the entire team of care providers at the hospital. This includes nurses, doctors and lactation consultants. Every mother is offered a free outpatient lactation visit to help with questions and concerns about breastfeeding after leaving the hospital.

The Family Centered Cesarean, which is part of the 10 steps, allows the mother and baby to begin bonding immediately. After a brief exam by the neonatologist in the operating room, the baby is placed skin-to-skin on the mother’s chest while surgery is finished. Traditionally mothers who undergo a cesarean wait several hours to first hold their babies. Skin-to-skin is also routinely done after vaginal births.

Sarah Grizanzio, who gave birth to all three of her children at Rockford Memorial, says she noticed a difference. “For this one I could really establish my breastfeeding. It was great this time to have her right there in the room. I got used to the baby’s schedule and was able to learn her feeding cues more quickly than if she had been in a nursery.”

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative is a global program that was launched in 1991 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).