Metamora Courthouse Starts Period Band

METAMORA – The Metamora Courthouse will be sponsoring a period musical group that will both work with and independently of the dance group, Central Illinois Civil War Dance Society Performers, also sponsored by the courthouse. This, as yet unnamed, band will focus on performing music from the early to mid-1800s, especially music of the Lincoln period.

As the dance group does, all participation will be unpaid and voluntary, as most of our audiences are not-for-profit charitable organizations. Although, for pay performances are a possibility.
The members eventually will be costumed for the period. Membership size has not yet been determined, but available positions include players for most instruments of the period including: guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, flute, fife, harp, horn, harmonica, dulcimer, hammered dulcimer, snare, squeezebox, piano, and melodeon. Members will have to provide their own instruments save for the snare, piano, hammered dulcimer, and melodeon that already are available at the courthouse.
Auditions are required and may be arranged by contacting Mr. Jean Myers at (309) 367-4470 or at