Share the road with farmers

Illinois Farm Bureau

Follow these tips to help keep you and farmers safe throughout the harvest season and again in spring when planting starts. 

  • Most importantly, slow down and be patient. 
  • Slow down when you see the “Slow Moving Vehicle” emblem, the orange and red reflective triangle, which warns you a tractor or combine will be on the road traveling at a slow rate of speed. 
  • Flashing amber lights on the equipment mean caution, so reduce speed when encountering farm equipment on public roads. 
  • Keep a safe distance from the farm equipment so farmers can see you. Remember, if you can’t see their mirrors, they can’t see you. 
  • Pass large farm equipment only if you know conditions are safe and you are sure the farmer will not be making a left-hand turn. 
  • It is illegal to pass in a no-passing lane or within 100 feet of an intersection, railroad crossing or bridge. 
  • Be prepared to yield to wide equipment. 
  • Watch for the farmer’s indication of a turn. Newer equipment has one or more amber lights flashing rapidly to indicate a turn. Older equipment is typically not equipped with turn signals so watch for the farmer’s hand signals. 

Source: Illinois Farm Bureau