Keeping up with political terminology

By Paul Sassone

Paul Sassone

You can’t follow the game if you don’t know the terminology.

And while politics may not be a game, it does have its own terminology. And some of the most-used political terminology I just don’t understand.

Every article or political discussion these days includes something about the alt-right. That’s a new one on me. I know what the right is.

But the alt-right?

Apparently the term has been kicking around for a few years. “Alt” stands for “alternative.” But only since the rise of Donald Trump has the term slithered from the outskirts of politics to its very center — the White House.

Alt-right goes beyond traditional right-wing conservatism which, when you boil it down to its essentials, only cares about preserving and increasing wealth for the wealthy.

While the alt-right embraces such horrors as neo-Nazi-ism, white supremacy, Islamophobia, anti-feminism, homophobia, nativism, protectionism, anti-semitism.

That the alt-right should figure into almost all political discussions is chilling, as is the alt-right’s proximity to the President of the United States.

Which brings me to more political terminology I don’t understand.

I would hear occasional political references to POTUS.

What is a POTUS?

Turns out POTUS is a person. And it’s POTUS, an acronym for President

of the United States.

Another new term, like alt-right?

Wrong again.

It was first used as an acronym back in 1879, when a book referred to the Supreme Court of the United States as SCOTUS.

So, we have POTUS and SCOTUS.

But, wait, folks. We’re not through yet. There is FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States), VPOTUS (Vice President of the United States) and COTUS (the Constitution of the United States).

These are real, honest.

You probably have the same question I had: Why would anyone in his right mind use the term POTUS instead of just saying the President?

You got me there, pardner.

I suppose though, that using the latest terminology in any endeavor makes the user feel superior, in the know.

So, now you know, TOTUS.

Oh, that stands for Taxpayer of the United States.

I just made up that one.


–Keeping up with political terminology–