The Life of Riley: Happy Ending

By Jerry Riley

I’m aware that some insurance companies have a bad reputation, and, what a revoltin’ development this is! It seems to me most things are a two-way street. Everyone has to play fair, or  it’s a free for all.
Shortly after my recent pedestrian accident, I stopped in to see Mark, my Country Financial Agent, who is an agent for the same insurance company as the man who hit me. I talked to him about my damaged camera and what I should expect in the way of paperwork. He was very helpful leading me through the process.
Before I went to the Emergency Room, I had talked to someone in the office of the agent of the man that hit me and they said to just have the ER call them. On Monday morning the claims office called to verify this information.
As I got the bills for replacing my camera together, I took them to Mark. His office assistant not only FAXed them to his agent, but filed the originals in my file, so I didn’t have to worry about finding them if I needed them again, It really was nice to have a local agent helping me, so the old saying, “deny, delay, don’t pay,” just didn’t seem to apply.
The claims office called to follow up and make sure the bills they had received were all correct so they could reimburse me for me out-of-pocket expense and pay the medical bills. The next day I received the check reimbursing me for my expenses.

Jerry Riley is a commentator for the News Bulletin. He is a retired telecommunications supervisor.                     

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