The Life of Riley: Manners

By Jerry Riley

Are manners a thing of the past?  

Have they changed?  

Am I the only one who wonders about this?  

When I was younger, kids were taught manners. Ladies first, and men held doors open for women. At the same time younger people were respectful of older people. They held the door for the older people.  

OK, first question, should a girl hold the door open for an older man, or should the old guy hold the door for the girl? 

When I was growing up we called our parents’ friends Mr. or Mrs. Our school teachers were Mrs., Miss, or Mr. We were taught to say please and thank you. We ate what was on our plate — or we didn’t eat! 

When I was younger, kids didn’t yell at their parents, teachers, or older people. Kids called men sir and ladies ma’am to show respect for their age. Since I am older, I sometimes think, what a revoltin’ development this is! 

I suppose communication changed. Manners have either changed or have just been lost. I think a lot of this is because kids are protected by state law. I reminded one kid that I am a senior citizen and am protected by federal law. 

Maybe I just don’t understand the younger generation. As I grew up (again, not matured), I realized I had to work for what I wanted. The younger generation seems to think you work for what they want.