Recap of Illinois Representatives’ Congressional Votes for Week of July 16
July 24, 2018United States House of Representatives
GOP Statement Against Carbon Tax
Voting 229 for and 180 against, the House on July 19 adopted a nonbinding GOP statement of opposition to proposals that would put a new tax on the use of coal, natural gas and petroleum products in order to discourage their use and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide. The measure (H Con Res 119) asserted that a carbon tax “would be detrimental to American families and businesses and is not in the best interest of the United States.” A yes vote was to adopt the resolution.
Voting yes: Roskam, Bost, Davis, Hultgren, Shimkus, Kinzinger, LaHood
Voting no: Rush, Kelly, Lipinski, Gutierrez, Quigley, Danny Davis, Krishnamoorthi, Schakowsky, Schneider, Foster, Bustos
Not voting: Rush
Restoring Election-Security Funds For States
Voting 182 for and 232 against, the House on July 19 defeated a Democratic attempt to add funding for Election Assistance Commission (EAC) grants for states to a 2019 spending bill (HR 6147, below). The underlying bill “zeroed out” funding in the new fiscal year for these grants, which have been used since 2003 to help states upgrade voting machines and fortify electoral systems. A yes vote was to provide $380 million in electoral grants to states next fiscal year.
Voting yes: Rush, Kelly, Lipinski, Quigley, Danny Davis, Krishnamoorthi, Schakowsky, Schneider, Foster, Bustos
Voting no: Roskam, Bost, Rodney Davis, Rodney, Hultgren, Shimkus, Kinzinger, LaHood
Not voting: Gutierrez
United States Senate
Russian Request To Interrogate Americans
Voting 98 for and none against, the Senate on July 19 stated its opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s request for President Trump to submit 11 American citizens — including current and former diplomats — to interrogation by Russian prosecutors probing U.S. economic sanctions against their country. Trump weighed the request for three days, then rejected it at about the time of this vote, which adopted a nonbinding “sense of the Senate” resolution (S Res 584). A yes vote was to adopt the resolution.
Voting yes: Richard Durbin, Tammy Duckworth
Voting no: None
Not voting: None