Life of Riley – All in my head!

By Jerry Riley

A couple of months ago I was wobbling so bad I was whisked to the emergency room. 

After resting there for about an hour, I felt better. When the ER doctor talked to me, he suggested I see a neurologist and said he would contact my doctor. It took months before I got to see him. 

He showed me the MRI of my head and read a portion of the radiologist’s report. It appears I have some type of cerebellar or spinocerebellar degeneration. He suggested and ordered some specific blood tests. 

We came back to the hospital in Eureka, and the lab technician took nine small tubes of blood from me. I have an appointment with the neurologist near the end of next month. The specific blood test may tell him more about my condition. 

The neurologist said that I am doing the exercises and physical activity that will help. He said these may give me more time but said that eventually I will not be able to use my legs. Apparently, it is all in my head, and what a revoltin’ development this is! 

About my only solo outings are driving to the grocery store (and gas station). I’ve given up delivering the Chronicle, but I do send my columns out online, so if you want to be added to the email list, send me a message at