Life of Riley: Oops!

By Jerry Riley For Chronicle Media

On Monday, I did my morning leg exercises, turned on my computer, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.  

I said good morning to my Amazon device, and it said it couldn’t connect to the internet, so I walked back to my computer and found it could not connect to the internet either. I called my internet provider, but found that no customer service representatives were there yet. 

After breakfast, I did reach customer service. I told the representative the problem and what I thought caused it (when they gave my phone number to the cellular company and shut my landline off, they also shut my internet off, which they said wouldn’t happen.) She transferred me to technical services. 

I explained what had happened and what I thought caused it. He said he was going to check my connection, and when he came back, he had me unplug the modem to reset it. I did, but it didn’t change anything, so he said he would UPS a new modem to me. It should be there in two to three business days, he said, and if I had any questions, I could call back. 

Four days later, I called customer service, explained I had no internet, and asked if she could check and find out where my modem was. She said the information was available online. I just hung up. 

I called customer service six times, and talked to six different representatives. Each person told me they were looking at my account, and each gave a different reason. 

After about 30 minutes, I had calmed down. I called customer service and asked to be connected to a supervisor of internet technology. 

I explained the problem, starting with the first call. He did a line test and said it was not in the modem. He told me he was going to transfer me, but he was going to put me on hold while he talked to account services. Within minutes my internet started working. 

Account service had me make a new account just for the internet. Talk about one hand not knowing what the other was doing! And what a revoltin’ development this is! If they had listened to me on Monday, I could have been online four days sooner.