Rush-Copley, Kendall health department promote walking

Chronicle Media
: Kendall County residents are encouraged to get outdoors and walk in good weather. Walking is proven to help lose or maintain weight. (Photo courtesy of Rush-Copley)

: Kendall County residents are encouraged to get outdoors and walk in good weather. Walking is proven to help lose or maintain weight. (Photo courtesy of Rush-Copley)

The Rush-Copley Medical, along with the Kendall County Health Department, is promoting walking as a way to get in consistent exercise in 2016.

Walking is one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health and well being, according to many health experts.

Here are some reasons why:

– It’s free and requires no special equipment, all you need is a pair of good walking shoes.

– It can be done anywhere — when weather is good, walk outdoors and when it isn’t your local shopping mall is an option or fitness and recreation centers often have indoor tracks

– Walking is proven to help lose or maintain weight

– Another benefit to walking includes reducing bad and raising good cholesterol

– Walking improves balance and coordination and reduces the risk of some cancers.

– Regular walking can help reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety and improve your mood.

Kendall County residents are encouraged to gather a few friends or neighbors and start their own walking club.

Rush-Copley will provide your group with a no-cost presentation and offers the tools you need to

get started including pedometers, walking logs and safety tips, all free of charge.

For more information or a free presentation and materials, visit or contact Rush-Copley.

Groups located in Montgomery, Oswego, Yorkville or Kendall County should contact Susan Hines at (630) 898-5982 or


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— Rush-Copley, Kendall health department promote walking —