A DUI-reduction idea that started with police officers on the overnight shift in a near west suburban community has grown into a crime-fighting tool getting international attention….
Look inside a small suburban home and see eight growing boys and a froufrou female French poodle, complete with ribbons, bows and painted toe nails, that would be the beneficiary of…
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx may need a reminder that she is a prosecutor and not a defense attorney, according to Riverside’s police chief Tom Weitzel. Weitzel,…
State-sponsored video gambling has been legal in Illinois since 2012, but 34 Cook County municipalities have resisted its allure either by opting out of the law, or passing specific…
Tom Weitzel, police chief of Riverside, has been named a co-chair for Fight Crime, Invest in Kids Illinois. The state office of the national, nonprofit, bipartisan anti-crime organization…
Illinois legislators in the General Assembly were surprised when Riverside Police Chief Tom Weitzel came to testify at the Illinois House Appropriations Human Services budget hearing,…